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About Us


About Queen Katharine Academy

Queen Katharine Academy (QKA) is a member of the Peterborough based Thomas Deacon Education Trust and opened in September 2017. QKA is a larger than average 11 to 19 school in north Peterborough with approximately 1700 pupils on roll including 350 in the sixth form.

Vision, Ethos and Values  

We are acutely aware that the key purpose of the Academy is to put pupils first and everything we do must reflect that aim. Our vision is:

“To be an inclusive centre of educational excellence.” 

QKA has an extremely diverse cohort (with more than 49 languages spoken as a home language at the last count), and our curriculum is designed to ensure that all pupils are able to achieve their full potential.  QKA offers a range of academic and vocational qualifications, thus allowing pupils a range of opportunities to follow diverse career and educational paths once they leave the Academy.  Our aim is to ensure that pupils gain the necessary cultural capital to become valuable members of our global community.

QKA has high expectations based on a clear knowledge and understanding of our pupils’ needs. We firmly believe in offering a wide range of opportunities for all pupils and provide appropriate support, stretch and challenge. Our curriculum is literacy rich and, due to the nature of our cohort, is developed to meet the needs of our pupils, a significant number of pupils have English as an additional language (EAL).

We have Community Liaison Workers and a range of bilingual staff to support newly-arrived EAL pupils and families to settle into the Academy.  QKA has also used its international partners across Europe to provide enrichment through multi-lateral working, at the same time supporting pupils to retain links with their countries of origin.  Wherever possible, pupils are encouraged and supported in achieving qualifications in their home languages. Additionally, the academy has achieved recognition for many aspects of its work through awards and nominations from organisations including the TES, Pearson and Prince’s Trust

Pupils have a wide range of enrichment opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular.  Student leadership is embedded and growing across the Academy, with our Student Leadership Coordinator supporting and developing a team of Prefects and student leaders across the whole school.  In addition there are successful leadership schemes including:  Language Leaders, Maths Leaders, Roma Leaders, Eco Leaders and Library Leaders.

Staff at Queen Katharine lead by example and work hard to ensure their pupils feel happy, valued and secure. A real priority is given to pastoral care and student well-being. Structures, systems and processes are well embedded to support pupils in overcoming any challenges they may be experiencing. However, it is much more than this and genuine attention is given to the quality of relationships that exist between all members of the academy community.

The School Day

A chart showing how the school day is divided up